The 4 Pillars Of Flow And And How To Leverage Them For Business Growth

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How different is running your business to the flow in your life?
Well it’s part of the flow right? You get your good days, your bad days in between ones.
I’m sitting here at my sons’ music lesson, where the flow of notes creates either harmony and beautiful music…

or disharmony and an awful cacophony….

…And I’m thinking how we’re all different in our preferred style of learning, operating and making decisions…
… Same goes for your business. It is unique to you, as is the flow you produce with your clients, your partners and your team.
Let me share with you 4 ways to Know Your Flow, and how you can leverage Flow, for more high-quality clients, profits business success.

1. So what are your core competencies?
2. What are your core business functions that need better flow?
3. How do you capture the uniqueness of your flow?
4. How do you capitalise on your uniqueness and convey this to your target audience?

Business Flow 1. Core Competencies

To understand your core competencies you can create a grid for your business, for each operation and fill it out. This will give you a snapshot of what is well represented and taken care of in your business and where the gaps that you may need to address.

Once you are clear about your core competencies and to those of your staff team and where the gaps are, you can go ahead and find professional assistance for the gaps. Or simply outsource this.
For example you may need specialised marketing or sales assistance, to help you create lead generation pipelines, that qualify prospects and help you in your client conversion process.

For example you may need specialised marketing or sales assistance, to help you create lead generation pipelines, that qualify prospects and help you in your client conversion process.

And if that’s the case, I extend an opportunity to my community from time to time, for a Marketing Funnel Blueprint Strategy session with me, where we get crystal clear on any marketing that’s holding you back and develop some implementable strategies for you to get great results with.
If that sounds good to you, then you can find out more and apply for your session here:
Book Your Marketing Funnel Blueprint Session

Business Flow 2. Core Functions That Need Fixing Now

OK, here’s where we identify the core functions where there are problems, hold-ups, or blockages that you need to fix in order to create better flow.
The best way to do this, is take yourself through your company’s and your business’ buying process, as though you are prospect becoming a client.

Find the areas where flow slows or stops.

It could be your processing systems, invoicing, client follow up. Or it may even be right at the beginning when a prospect is seeking your services, either as an online enquiry, through social media, or through a referral.

  • Where do they hit a brick wall in your buying cycle or client care cycle, that is preventing your business growing or being more profitable?
  • Identify the blockages, create a plan of action to address them and get professional help as soon as you can to fix this flow.

For example if your marketing or lead generation is clogged, or your prospect enquiry system is not automated, you could be missing out on valuable leads and enquiries, or opportunities for capturing new clients. And that’s where a marketing professional can be a huge time and profits saver in your business.

For example if your marketing or lead generation is clogged, or your prospect enquiry system is not automated, you could be missing out on valuable leads and enquiries, or opportunities for capturing new clients. And that’s where a marketing professional can be a huge time and profits saver in your business.

Business Flow 3. Capturing Your Uniqueness

How do you capture the uniqueness of your flow and your business? How is your unique way of servicing your clients, captured in your unique value proposition?

Voice Your Value™ And Stand Out From The Crowd

If you haven’t spent the time thinking about this and capturing it in your Value Proposition or USP… Or if you’re not letting your clients, prospects and referral partners know about it, then you are reducing your chances of attracting high quality clients your way.
You can start with a simple process to craft a client attracting value proposition statement, like in my Voice Your Value™ process. Then you can develop it further, embellishing it with story and results.

When your Unique Value Proposition (USP) is targeted to your ideal client and is highly compelling, it will help you attract more of the clients you desire.

Simply put, you can use it to powerfully position yourself to your current and future clients and to other businesses, to create more profitable partnerships and sales for your own business.

Your Value Proposition is the unique essence of your business, and the problems it solves for your clients.

It is also your opportunity to promote your business in a way that enables a listener to quickly assess whether it is of value to them, or whether they could refer other business or clients your way.

Business Flow 4. Capitalise On Your Flow

How to capitalise on your value proposition and your flow and get the message out to high quality prospects and clients now.

Okay, so think about which marketing channels you are already using…

  • Established referral partnerships.
  • Linked in.
  • Other social media.
  • Speaking engagements.
  • White papers or articles.
  • Video marketing.
  • And so on…

Now, think about where your prospects and clients hang out and develop another marketing channel to also connect with them there.

This is where you apply your Unique Value Proposition – by Voicing Your Value™.
Apply it to your referral conversations & proposals, to your LinkedIn profile, social media etc.

Your Marketing Strategy And Action Plan

What you need to be mindful of, is keeping your marketing channel selection strategic, rather than tactical.

By that, I mean use marketing channels that are aligned with your business vision & your strategy and think about where and how, you will best meet your prospects’ initial enquiries and needs.

For example, you don’t have to be on every social media channel. If it’s not strategically aligned with your business and your target audience, then don’t chase it- as it would simply be an inefficient use of your time and resources.

That being said, you may need to put some time aside for market research and for testing out various marketing channels, so you can find the best fit for your business.

If you don’t know how to get started on any of these Marketing Strategies then now is a good time for us to chat.

Book Your Marketing Funnel Blueprint Session

Let’s identify where you can Automate Your Marketing & Create Your Client Flow Engine!

Best wishes,

Nomiki Georgiadis

Create A Client Attracting Message And Unique Value Proposition For Your Business.

Access the Voice Your Value Checklist and mini Video Training for FREE